Being a publisher and an author, I have the privilege of helping other authors tell their story.
One such story is that of fellow Scottish immigrant to the US, David Macfarlane. David’s story is powerful. It is impressive. It is inspirational. It is heart wrenching. It is moving.
It is the story of a boy, who is wrenched from the life he knows, to a new life in America. It is the story of a young men, abandoned by his father, who is impacted by other father figures in his life. It is the story of an immigrant, who joins the US Navy as a chef. It is the story of a cook, who is passionate about his food, and who becomes the cook to Presidents, Admirals and world leaders.
I love this story. Which is why I published it.
And today, in Scotland, the readers of the Sunday Times got to hear a wee bit about that story thanks to the reporting skills of Maggie Barry.
You can read her story, White House chef reveals how Bill Clinton emptied the biscuit tin, online.
And you can read David’s story in Ginger: A Boy’s Journey from Scotland to the White House, available in print and e-book, everywhere books are sold.