The year was 1984 and I was in Britain watching the Los Angeles Olympic Games and enjoying every moment. Back then, all us kids, inspired by the likes of Carl Lewis and Sebastian Coe, held our own Olympics down at the local track. Now, 28 years later, I’m in America watching the London Olympic Games on NBC, being inspired once more.
And as these Olympics come to an end, now what? Is this window into all things inspirational and British about to close forever?
I challenge you to not let it!
You can experience a wee bit of Britain, right here in St. Louis, year round.
The last weekend in September, you can see Scotsmen, clad in kilts, tossing logs and more, at the Scottish Games in Forest Park. Every January, you can celebrate Scotland’s poet, Robert Burns. Every April, there’s Tartan Day in St. Charles. And year round, you can enjoy British cuisine, drinks and culture at the Scottish Arms in the Central West End, the London Tea Room down on Washington or the English Shop and the Thistle and Clover in St. Charles.
Your journey into Britain and athletics doesn’t have to end with the closing ceremony. Get out to the track. Stop by the gym. Hop on a bike. Enjoy a brisk walk. Grab a pint at the Arms. Enjoy a cuppa at the London Tea Room. Come be British at the Scottish Games.
Be inspired. And keep the Olympic spirit going in the St Louis area.