This past week or so have been quite entertaining around the Sutherland household as impressions of the various characters in the new Disney/Pixar movie BRAVE, which opens today across the US, have been common occurrences. My favorite, to the entertainment of my children, has been when Fergus imitates Merida. Let’s just say, my impersonation of that scene causes both rolls of laughter and rolling of the eyes.
I enjoyed the movie. I was able to take my entire family, including my mum, to an advanced screening of the movie in St. Louis, Missouri, and the animated scenery was amazing, the story was moving, and it had a great variety of action, humor, suspense and drama. It was, in all, a good family-friendly movie that celebrated family values, along with Scottish mythology and good, creative, Disney/Pixar historical invention.
I even heard myself in the movie, such as when Queen Elinor instructs Merida to not put her weapons on the dinner table, something which I have also had to tell my daughter in the past. A proud day for any Scottish father when he has to tell his daughter to remove her weapons from the table, let me tell you. Beaming with pride I was. Seriously. But I digress, so back to the movie.
I can recommend the movie, both as a Scot and a parent.
You should know a few things.
The movie is a bit darker than the previews indicate, and my kids got a wee bit scared at points.
There are also a few points of rude humor. One, involving a kilt, which I could not help laugh about. Some others involved a large, well-endowed maid, and some unnecessary shots and theme points involving her endowments. And near the end, the three young boys are seen running around, without even a kilt on.
All in all, it was a fun movie. You will laugh at points, jump at points, get lost in the story and visuals at points, and simply enjoy your short trip across the pond and back in time, into the beautiful Highlands of Scotland.
Make the time to check this one out. And then attend a highland games here in the US, like the St. Louis Scottish Games, September 28-29 in Forest Park. You’ll be glad you did both.
And in case you missed them, here are the reviews by my kids from earlier this week and our appearances on Fox 2 St. Louis yesterday.
- Disney/Pixar’s BRAVE – In the Eyes of a 5-Year-Old
- Disney/Pixar’s BRAVE – An 8-Year-Old Reviewer
- Disney/Pixar’s BRAVE – A Budding Movie Critic
- Disney/Pixar’s BRAVE – The Kids Are All Right
Scottish Games & “Brave” on Fox 2
Superbowl Champion Roland Williams and improvised Scottish athletics on Fox 2