David T. Macfarlane is a Scotsman. He is an American. He is a chef. He is a veteran. And his story, “Ginger,” just released from Dunrobin Publishing, is a story of abuse, hardship, hard work, passion and never taking no for an answer.
“Ginger is a boy who never gave up. A boy who never accepted life’s trials as an excuse to give in,” author and chef David T. Macfarlane said. “For Ginger, coming to America was not easy. But he learns. He adjusts. He grows. He learns to love food and cooking. He serves in the US Navy. And he ends up cooking for two US Presidents in the White House.”
“This is an American story and a Scottish story,” Mark Sutherland, President of Dunrobin Publishing, said. “It is a story that makes you mad, that makes you grieve, but also inspires you and reminds you of the things that make both Scotland and America great—the people, the opportunity.”
Ginger takes the reader on a journey as a 10-year-old Macfarlane is pulled from the life he knows in Scotland, and thrust into a hard life in New Jersey, just as his family is starting to fall apart. You see the abuse at the hands of his father through his eyes, and live the confusion and pain it causes. You walk with him as he grows, learns, overcomes, and then volunteers to serve in the Navy. You travel the ups and downs of Navy life in the US and Europe. And finally you journey with Macfarlane to Washington DC, and into the West Wing of the White House.
Ginger is a Scottish story, an American story, a military story, and a chef’s story.
“Ginger is my story,” Macfarlane said. “But it’s also every man’s story.”
Ginger: A Boy’s Journey from Scotland to the White House is available in paperback and e-book formats, and can be found everywhere books are sold.
David T. Macfarlane is a consummate professional chef. Chef Macfarlane spent ten years on active service in the Navy, serving two four-star admirals, the crew and officers of the USS Mount Whitney LCC-20 and the President of the United States in the White House and Blair House in Washington DC. He is a recipient of many awards and commendations in recognition for his service to the United States, its citizens and its President as a top Navy chef. Born in Scotland, he now lives in the US with his wife and two children.
Macfarlane is available for interviews. To schedule an interview, contact Mark Sutherland at [email protected] or 314.913.0674.
Dunrobin Publishing is a publishing company devoted to high-quality books that celebrate traditional values. You can find them on the web at www.dunrobin.us.