Today, Dr. Liam Fox, the U.K.’s international trade secretary, is in the U.S. to lay some important groundwork for the post-Brexit U.S./U.K. trade relationship.
“As the United Kingdom looks ahead to a new era of trade and a future outside the European Union, we’ll be strengthening ties around the world—especially with our top trading partner and greatest ally, the U.S.,” he writes in today’s Wall Street Journal.
“The U.K. is prohibited from signing any formal free-trade agreement while we retain EU membership, but we are laying the groundwork for a potential deal with our closest international partners, identifying areas where we could broaden cooperation and remove barriers to trade.”
“I am committed to securing the best possible global trading framework for the U.K. It is a source of great personal pride to lead the Department for International Trade, tasked with upholding Britain’s centuries-long tradition of advocating free trade and commerce. In that spirit, I look forward to working together with our American allies to deepen a relationship based upon not only our shared values of freedom and democracy, but our shared history, culture and economic success.”
“At times the U.K. and the U.S. can seem very different, yet we are nations built upon a common foundation. As Britain embraces the world, the U.S. will remain our foremost partner in every endeavor.”
I encourage you to read the full article in the Wall Street Journal. And you can also read more about the Missouri/U.K. connections in my post back in May.