Happy Memorial Day!
As you celebrate with friends and family, remember what this day is really about. Honoring those who will never again celebrate any day with friends and family, because they chose to serve you, and paid the ultimate price for you to be free.
We owe them a debt of gratitude. Live in such a way as to honor their sacrifice for freedom.

For previous blogs from me on the US & UK military, read:
- Building Bridges Between Nations– March 2012
- Support Scotland’s Veterans! – November 2011
- Remember to Thank a Veteran on Nov. 11 – November 2011
- Giving Back to the Troops – October 2011
- Making Sure You Don’t Dishonour While Trying to Honour – July 2011
- Good Show Old Chap! – July 2011
- A British Military Heritage – June 2011
- While You Were Away… – June 2011