Yesterday, Christianity Today blogged about the purchase of Thomas Nelson by HarperCollins. While the debate rages about whether this is good or bad for the Christian publishing market, I would contend that it doesn’t matter.
I would argue that it is irrelevant.
As most people are starting to notice the publishing industry has radically changed in recent years. But that’s not necessarily bad.
Small publishers like Dunrobin Publishing are providing a valuable service and ensuring that new authors with high quality books have equal access to the global publishing market both in print and e-book.
Large publishing houses may be fighting a losing battle to stay relevant and, eventually, may find themselves closing their doors down the road as the dynamics of a changed market impact their bottom line. Now, they would never agree with that assessment, of course, but neither would of Borders just a short while ago.
We live in a time of radical change in the way books are created and consumed, and I believe the winner at the end of the day is the reader.
And, when the reader is the winner in the marketplace of words, it’s a good day for all involved. With the possible exception of the behemoth publishing houses who used to control the pipeline of creative expression.
Looks like the pipe burst.