ST. LOUIS – 2012 marks 60 years on the throne for Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, and St. Louis will be celebrating this landmark occasion for the worldwide British community with The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Lunch at the London Tea Room.
“Her Majesty is highly respected worldwide, and has always loved and appreciated America and the American people,” Mark Sutherland, president of Dunrobin Publishing, said. “On June 5, St. Louis will be joining with people from across Great Britain and around the world, as we celebrate The Queen, and her long and esteemed service to the world.”
The St. Louis celebration will take place on June 5 from 11am-1pm in downtown St. Louis’ London Tea Room with food, music, proclamations, coverage of HM The Queen’s processional from London, giveaways, a raffle to raise funds to fight Mucolipidosis III, demonstration sword fighting and more.
Admission is free. Food is available for purchase.
“We are incredibly excited to be asked to host the Diamond Jubilee Lunch,” Jackie James, owner of the London Tea Room, said. “People can come for the entire lunch event, or come for just some. We will have good British food available for purchase from the Tea Room and from Queen’s Cuisine, along with a raffle, music, coverage from London, giveaways and sword fighting.”
“How many people can get back to the office after lunch and tell everyone they just witnessed a sword fight in downtown St. Louis, over a cup of tea,” Sutherland said. “It will be a grand time for all. And a great break from the office, and a chance for people to bring their kids down to see a wee bit of British culture.”
The London Tea Room is located at 1520 Washington Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63103.
For interviews or more information contact Mark Sutherland at [email protected] or 314-913-0674 or Jackie James at [email protected] or 314-241-6556.
The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Lunch is supported by the efforts of the UK in St. Louis, the London Tea Room, Mark I. Sutherland, the Black Knights Fight Group, Queen’s Cuisine and bagpiper Lauree Palmer.
Connect with everything British in St. Louis on Facebook, at www.facebook.com/UKinSTL.