On Black Friday, Dunrobin Publishing released “A Light Shining,” the second novel by St. Louis’ Glynn Young, and a sequel to Young’s 2011 novel, Dancing Priest.
In Dancing Priest, Michael Kent faced tragedy and triumph, love and loss, was called as an Anglican priest, became an international Olympic hero, discovered his connections to the British royal family, and reunited with the girl of his dreams. In A Light Shining, the sequel to Dancing Priest, Michael faces his greatest and most violent challenge yet. But will it be his last?
“Introduced in Dancing Priest, Michel Kent and Sarah Hughes are now young married, dealing with family and church issues,” says Young, “when they are unexpectedly thrust into conspiracies and violence. How they respond is the heart of the story.”
“A Light Shining takes the characters we fell in love with in Dancing Priest and throws them into the heart of world events and issues, and takes us on an emotional journey we can’t step away from,” says Mark Sutherland, president of Dunrobin Publishing. “Young does an incredible job of weaving a story full of political chaos, sectarian violence, and unthinkable reality, while also telling a power story of human character, sacrifice, love and loyalty.”
The story takes place in Britain, Italy and the United States.
“This is a story about family and about love, but also about faith, and how the faith of two young adults is displayed in horrible circumstances,” says Young.
A Light Shining is available in Kindle, NOOK and iBook formats. The paperback version is scheduled for a Christmas 2012 release.
Dancing Priest, the prequel to A Light Shining, is available in paperback and Kindle. On Black Friday and Cyber Monday, the Kindle version of Dancing Priest will be available for free.
You can find out more at www.dunrobin.us/lightshining.php.
Glynn Young is an award-winning speechwriter and public relations professional. His speeches have appeared numerous times in Vital Speeches of the Day and other national publications, and he’s published numerous articles on communications in journals and magazines. He is a contributing editor for The High Calling and a contributing writer to The Master’s Artist. He blogs at Faith, Fiction, Friends. His novels, Dancing Priest and A Light Shining, are available from Dunrobin Publishing.
For interview or appearance requests contact Mark Sutherland – [email protected] and 314.913.0674.